Friday 11 May 2012

few words from me wouldn't hurt kn..i guess..

u gossip about your friend behind their backs..u tahu keburukan front of her..pretending u care..pretending to listen but kat belakang...u spread gossip about her..u humiliating her at the same front of her..u pretend that u protect her.. u such a $%^&4.

just because u pretty..u smart..u rich..your husband bloody insults others , manipulates people, and even hates disabled people..u look down at others just because they are not like u..dont be mad..but u such a $%^&*.

You flirt with your friends' boyfriends/husband when they're not looking..your friend trust u sangat2..and even buat you jadi orang tengah..everything share dengan u..and secretly you ade affair dengan her man..u cheat her..u tak fikirkan perasaan dia only you and you on the top..and bila kantoi let say la..u cakap heyy its not me who start first...its him..but whatever it are to be blame too..stealing your friend husband/boyfriend really make u like a #$%^&@.

u actually a bad girl..u busuk hati..u know that..u benci..jelous dengan somebody but u try to act innocent..and bila u jumpa a girl yang u rase tak berape nak baik..u sibuk2 pergi cerita dekat orang lain..padahal u 2 kali 5 je..but then..dengan bercerita tentang that someone..u happy sedangkan u just the same..u such a @#$%^&.

when u see pretty girls with a good attitude..u try to make her looks bad in front of others.u created a story like..dia sombong la..dia tu teruklah...sedangkan u sendiri tak pasti dengan benda tu..u benci kalau orang lain suka dia..u suka kalau orang lain benci dia..u such a %^&*.

u dahlah ambil hak orang..but then u badmouth orang tu plak..u dahlah sakitkan hati orang dengan perbuatan u..u tambah lagi nak sakitkan hati orang dengan WORDS u..u yang salah..tapi u tak nak u sanggup buat ae saje untuk menampakkan HIS EX nampak buruk and u je the best..thats really not cool coz it will make u looks like a bloody $#%&.

you dont know anything but only to hate people..only to hurt people..only to critic people..if u such kind of girl..u know which type u are..a good girl or a #$$^&*...u know yourself well.:)

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